Samudra Kadampa Buddhist Centre
770 Mohawk Rd W
Hamilton ON  L9C 1X9

You may join a course at anytime.
To cover costs there is a fee of $10/class.
Thursdays 7:30 – 8:15 pm
Teacher: Gen Kelsang Rabgye


Learn many types of meditations!

7:30 – 8:15 PM




The actual purpose of meditation is not merely to experience brief relaxation and inner peace, but to eventually be able to control our mind all day long. If we can control our mind, we will naturally be able to control our thoughts and feelings. In this way, we can avoid generating negative thoughts and feelings, but more importantly, avoid agitated reactionary responses to the unpleasant actions of others. Each Thursday will consist of engaging in two separate meditation sessions. Over time you will learn many different types of meditation that are designed to address the many types of human problems. In addition, you will learn various meditation techniques that will allow significant progression toward becoming an accomplished meditator.


Since there are many hardships and challenges in modern human life, we need to care for our mind in special ways. Otherwise, it is easy to succumb to generating resentment and blame toward everyone and everything around us. Make Thursday evenings the highlight of your week!


Cost: $10.00